
He has drastically increased his reading level

My son Cruz was in 3rd grade when I took a stance and decided he needed help beyond what the public school district or I could provide. He had been in special education classes since the start of kindergarten and required extra help in reading and language arts.

Knowing I possessed little patience, and with the schools overwhelming ratio of students to teacher, I found the Modelli Learning Academy.

The Modelli Method did not teach my son to memorize sight words or simply give him the answer when he couldn’t pronounce a word. Modelli taught Cruz to break his old habit of just “getting by” and, instead, recognize the patterns in words.

Cruz’s achievements have been worth the initial struggle. He has drastically increased his reading level and is now completely out of special education. He has received straight A’s in all his classes for the first and second trimester of 6th grade. It was not only his commitment that helped him succeed but his confidence in knowing and understanding reading and writing that helped him over this hurdle in life.

Cruz has really blossomed into a better reader and now is eager to learn. The Modelli Learning Academy has been one of the best investments for my son, and I know Cruz’s time with Modelli will provide a better future for him.

Victoria W., Desert Hot Springs, CA