Why Get Professional Training?

A better question is: why not get professional training? Many people feel because they have been taught, usually in a school setting, they can teach others. But receiving instruction is quite different from giving instruction. Thus the state-mandated requirement of specialized training and credentials to work in public schools.
How can the advantages of home schooling be guaranteed without home educators receiving excellent professional training? After all, don’t we want the best professional training for doctors, nurses, lawyers, librarians, plumbers, electricians, mechanics, police, fire fighters, barbers, and hair stylists,? Are the demands of home schooling any less than in those fields?
Until the advent of Modelli Learning, professional training has been unavailable to home educators, unless someone was already a teacher. But teacher training is an arduous process that takes years. These days it might even be of questionable value, based on the current state of schools.
Before Modelli Learning, home educators had to depend on courageously diving in and suffering through a hit-and-miss period, sometimes lasting years, before they found their “teaching legs”. Luckily, that is no longer necessary because we offer workshop classes to train home educators in the bedrock of education: the core subjects of reading and math. Then we help you apply that knowledge to other subjects.
Unlike the years a college degree takes, the preparation Modelli gives home educators is measured in hours. And what’s learned at Modelli is far more practical than the abstract, even fanciful, theories taught in so many college education classes. Modelli Learning prepares home educators to hit the ground running, which is not always true of new teachers.